The United States Coast Guard Academy presents an unrivaled opportunity to attend an elite professional college that charges no tuition and guarantees a challenging and rewarding career upon graduation.
Ranked among the nation’s most prestigious institutions of higher learning, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, is proud to educate future leaders of America's multi-mission, maritime military force. Each year, approximately 200 graduates are commissioned as Coast Guard officers to help ensure the safety, security and stewardship of our nation’s waters.
“To graduate young men and women with sound bodies, stout hearts and alert minds, with a liking for the sea and its lore, with that high sense of honor, loyalty and obedience which goes with trained initiative and leadership; well-grounded in seamanship, the sciences and amenities, and strong in the resolve to be worthy of the traditions of commissioned officers in the United States Coast Guard in the service of their country and humanity.”
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor - Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
The United States Coast Guard Academy has an opening for Assistant/Associate/Full Professor - Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Please see our website for a complete job description and application instructions at https://www.uscga.edu/about/jobs