The School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME) at the University of Oklahoma is seeking candidates who can bring energy and passion to a teaching-focused Assistant Professor of Engineering Practice in aerospace engineering. The position is a three-year rank renewable term contract, with an opportunity to advance to the ranks of Associate and Full Professor of Engineering Practice. This position is part of a larger initiative defined in the Gallogly College of Engineering strategic plan for growing enrollment and improving retention. The State of Oklahoma is investing in engineering in support of growing engineering graduates for the state workforce. Candidates seeking to work in a rapidly-growing School and College, in collegial interdisciplinary groups, and towards the mission of student success, are encouraged to apply.
The successful candidate will teach undergraduate courses in aerospace engineering such as aerodynamics, flight mechanics, aircraft stability and control, and aircraft structures and will guide capstone design projects and student competition teams. The successful candidate will play a critical role in improving retention and graduation rates for aerospace engineering students. The successful candidate must demonstrate a commitment to excellent and innovative instruction, an ethos of care and support of students, effective mentorship and guidance of students, and a commitment to building collaboration. Candidates with an interest in educational research are welcome and will have opportunities for collaboration with current and new faculty.